AI Mentorship

Understanding Artificial Intelligence: What is artificial intelligence, how does it work?


January 27, 2024

Understanding Artificial Intelligence: What is artificial intelligence, how does it work?

 A few years ago, when planning a trip to another country, you would have to ask someone who had been there before for information such as the weather, the best route, or any similar queries. But now we live in the world of artificial intelligence, where you can access any information within seconds. There is no doubt that artificial intelligence has made our lives much simpler than we could have imagined just a few years ago.

From the moment you wake up, check your phone, or binge-watch the series recommended by Netflix, you are making the best use of artificial intelligence in your daily life. So, what is the logic behind artificial intelligence? More importantly, what is artificial intelligence?


What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that enables smart machines and various applications to perform tasks, whether they involve cognitive functions or controls similar to human cognitive functions, such as interpreting speech, playing games, and identifying patterns, whether human-inspired or not. In general, artificial intelligence represents a computerized machine with human-level intelligence equipped with various cognitive abilities specifically programmed to perform various tasks. Some common examples of artificial intelligence used in our daily lives include Siri, Alexa, and other smart assistants, Google Maps, chatbots, self-driving cars, wearable sensors, and devices, among others.


How does artificial intelligence work?

Now you know what artificial intelligence is. Let's move on to another curiosity: How does artificial intelligence work?

The goal of artificial intelligence science is to create a computer system that can model complex problem-solving using human-like thinking processes, which can be used to solve complex problems. Artificial intelligence systems work by combining large data sets with intelligent processing algorithms and performing a large number of tasks extremely quickly.

For this, artificial intelligence is supported by fundamental tools such as "machine learning" and "deep learning" and performs given tasks almost in a similar way to the human mind.

Machine Learning (ML): Refers to a particular application of artificial intelligence that enables computer systems or programs to automatically grasp and display results based on experience. The ML algorithm works on the provided data and uses various statistical techniques that allow artificial intelligence to discover various patterns in the data and thus expand the results of the task.

Deep Learning (DL): Deep learning is a form of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to process information and thus use special machine learning to allow artificial intelligence to process and improve data. Deep learning uses artificial neural networks that mimic biological neural networks in the human brain to process information, find connections between data, and make inferences or results based on positive and negative reinforcement.

On the other hand, "neural networks" function similarly to the neuron networks found in the human brain; this allows artificial intelligence to process very large data sets and enables the machine to delve into drawing references, making connections, and weighing inputs for efficient results.

 Apart from ML and DL, artificial intelligence systems require robotic, cognitive computing skills, natural language processing, and computer vision that allow computer models to mimic the way the human brain works when performing a complex task.

 We have explained what artificial intelligence is and how artificial intelligence works. To explore more, check out our other blog posts.